What is Giftedness?
Giftedness, intelligence, and talent are fluid concepts and may look different in different contexts and cultures. Even within schools you will find a range of beliefs about the word "gifted," which has become a term with multiple meanings.
In Wisconsin, “Gifted and talented pupils” means pupils enrolled in public schools who give evidence of high performance capability in intellectual, creative, artistic, leadership, or specific academic areas and who need services or activities not ordinarily provided in a regular school program in order to fully develop such capabilities. (Wisconsin Statutes § 118.35)
Southern Door School District’s Gifted and Talented Process:
Step 1: Nomination
If a parent or teacher thinks that a student may qualify for gifted education programming, they need to fill out a referral form and return it to the G/T Coordinator. The Coordinator will contact the parent (if it is a teacher nomination) and explain the process. The parent will also need to read, sign and return Notice and Consent to the G/T Coordinator before any other steps are taken.
Step 2: Identification
Upon receiving referral and Notice and Consent forms, the coordinator then gives the teacher or parent surveys and information. The information provided gives teachers/parents a visual on bright vs. gifted, as there is a VERY FINE LINE between the two.
Upon receiving the surveys from the teacher and/or the parent, the G/T Coordinator will work with the school psychologist to use the appropriate testing to determine eligibility for testing of the student. All testing requires parent consent prior to administration. Once testing is complete, there will be a meeting to determine eligibility.
Step 3: Programming
Based on the data and a team determination (including the parent), an appropriate plan will be established by the team and place the child at the appropriate systematic level. If the scores fall into the giftedness categories, a Differentiated Educational Plan (DEP) will be established. A meeting will be set up by the G/T Coordinator, including parents, teachers, administration, and possibly the student. This will be a brainstorming session by everyone; to see what types of programming would benefit the student the most as we want all students to be college and career ready.
Parent Enrichment opportunities Link
To set up a meeting with the G/T coordinator or inquire about a referral, please contact the Director of Pupil Services at 920-825-7321 ext. 2212.