Special Education and/or Related Services are available to “qualifying” students. These are students who through a special education evaluation have been identified by a specific (IEP) team to have a special education need as defined by either Chapter 115, Wisconsin Statutes or the Individuals With Disabilities Act. The Southern Door School District assures delivery of these services in a least restrictive environment (LRE) or setting and free appropriate public education (FAPE) to all students.
Rules for determination of eligibility and areas of impairment can be found in Wisconsin Administrative Code, Section PI 11.36. This covers the areas of autism (A), intellectual disabilities (ID), emotional behavioral disabilities (EBD), hearing impairments, orthopedic impairment (OI), other health impairment (OHI), significant developmental delay (SDD), speech/language impairments (S/L), specific learning disabilities (SLD), traumatic brain injury (TBI), visual impairments (VI), and the need for special education.
Laws and Regulations:
Department of Public Instruction or DPI Informational Bulletins:
Parent Information: