Elementary/Middle School Playground Cookie Dough Fundraiser  

Dear Southern Door Elementary & Middle School Parents:

Our SD PIE Group has a big goal to reach in helping raise funds for the future Elementary and Middle School playground equipment.  Our goal is $15,000 so we are looking forward to making some serious “dough” with this cookie dough fundraiser! 

The more we sell, the more we raise!  Tubs of dough or preformed cookies sell for $10 - $16 each. If each student sells 1 -2 tubs or boxes of preformed dough, this fundraiser will significantly contribute to our goal!

702-1205 items sold……...45% profit………...funds raised $3,791-$6,507
1205-3005 items sold…...50% profit………....funds raised $7,236-$18,030

Here is the Plan: 
Kick off date: October 11, 2019
Order due date: October 28, 2019   
Approximate pick up date: November 7, 2019 

***Money needs to be collected at the time of order. Orders and money should be turned into the Elementary/Middle School Office.  CHECKS CAN BE MADE PAYABLE TO SD PIE, INC.

If you’d like to participate, make your sales pitch count! Try this……
Hi, my name is _________. Our School is raising money to cover the cost of new playground equipment for our elementary & middle school playgrounds. Would you be interested in supporting our efforts by purchasing some cookie dough and making your holiday baking a little easier? 

Safety first: If you choose to do door-to-door sales, you must be accompanied by your parent or other adult. 
Thank you in advance to all of the students and parents for your help to reach our fundraising goal!

Please contact SD PIE, Inc. with any questions:  

Like us on Facebook at SD Parents Involved in Education, Inc.

Posted by jmeacham On 17 October, 2019 at 9:33 AM